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Monday, March 08, 2010

Naskah Cinta

If you love someone, why not give him/her this..

Naskah cinta.
It's cute! :)
Ok first time qemmal tengok this Naskah Cinta dekat blog Wadi (blog ni temporary closed), my classmate.
Qemmal pun jatuh cinta tengok naskah cinta ni..
Nak2 ade favourite colour qemmal :)

It cames with four colours, but my housemates and I chose these 3 colors. Can't remember another one. I bought the purple/pink for me and gave the silver one to Pumpkin, as a gift :)

There are four components in the Naskah Cinta. Four small books : Surah Yaasin & tahlil, Asma Ul-Husna, Al-Mathurat and Surah Amalan.

Isn't them cute?

U can give this to your love ones, as a birthday/wedding gift, or keep it for yourself!
Each set of Naskah Cinta is RM28, and this is charity. The money will be donate to Rumah Anak Yatim somewhere in Kedah.
Interested? You can comment here and I'll give you the details of person in charge :D


cheryna zamrinor said...

kak sha ada naskhah cinta nieh. sangat suka bagi orang hadiah mende nieh. sangat bagus kan? tak payah susah2 nak cari satu2...

nananane said...


yang ade kat rumah pun tak terbaca. tak silap aku last sekali aku baca ma'thurat adelah pada tahun 2002 mase f5.

apo nak jadi. insap.

WNA said...

kak sha,
ade jugak ek?senang kan.dan comel!

hehe aku pun lebih kurang je.mari kite insap :)